Author: Admin

  • A Scienartist’s Game – Poem About Life

    A Scienartist’s Game – Poem About Life

    Scienartist is a portmanteau of the words scientist and artist. Life! A losing game, err science or cheap art?Why do we work by day and sleep at night?Right or wrong, how do we tell them apart?How to live, like a hipster or an eremite?Life! agreeably it is a daunting task -for we sail the same…

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  • What Is Cloud Computing And Why Is It Important

    What Is Cloud Computing And Why Is It Important

    A cloud computing expert once said that if you ask 10 different professionals what cloud computing really means, you’ll get 10 different answers. That shows how people have made it seem complex, like an arcane art high up in the sky, beyond the reach of mere men like us. But in reality, that’s not the…

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